Showing all 6 results
Apple Chips
Apples have a moderately sweet, refreshing flavor and a tartness that is present to greater or lesser degree depending on the variety.
Carrot & Pea
€15,00Carrots are best known for their rich supply of the antioxidant nutrient that was actually named for them: beta-carotene.
Chopped Tomatoes
€15,00Everyday pastas become family favorites when topped with these juicy tomatoes. Diced, then perfectly seasoned with basil, garlic and oregano.
Dried Apricot
€35,00Dried apricots are a very good source of iron that is useful to fight anaemia. This also contains copper that absorbs iron.
Sauce & Oil
€9,00Dressings, sauces, and marinades, made from natural ingredients … Gluten-free, no junk added. Products contain olive oil or orange blossom honey, no other oils.
Vegetarian Burgers
€15,00Vegetarian Burgers Aubergine & Feta made with potato, aubergine, lentils and feta cheese. We are committed to bringing you the best quality.